One of the greatest discoveries a man makes, one of his great surprises, is to find he can do what he was afraid he couldn’t do ~ Henry Ford

In an effort to continue living an EPIC life, I have decided to start a new business! I have a great career in a company that is more like family (and some of them actually are!). I don’t think I will ever actually leave… but in my spare time I am creating something new. 

This has been in the works for a couple of years as I balance working (in my current career) with learning (a whole new industry and set of skills) and doing (getting out there and doing it – scared). Doing things that you’ve never done before is, well… scary.  The “who am I to think I can do this” voice in my head has surfaced more than once!

You begin to fly when you let go of self-limiting beliefs and allow your mind and aspirations to rise to greater heights

Part of me believed that I needed other people to create the opportunities for me. Truthfully, I have been VERY fortunate in the past 25 years with the people I have surrounded myself with. I’m not saying I’ve been lucky (well there is definitely a little luck) but I have worked hard and taken opportunities when they’ve appeared. I would say though, that it has always been passive on my part. 

I think what pushed me to start this business the most was that I wanted to prove to myself that I could do it on my own. I needed to make it work. I am cold calling people in the industry (gasp!), I am building a network and relationships, I am doing all the things that people need to do to start a business, all the things that are way out of my comfort zone. I am in no way suggesting that there aren’t people helping me, there definitely are, but I think the important thing is that I am the one initiating the process.

I am proud of the accomplishments that I’ve made with this business. It is just starting but things have already happened that make me think I can actually make this work. It’s funny because the things that I am most proud of are little things, things that could easily be overlooked or assumed, but I spend enough time reflecting to know that for me, these are HUGE things, and this gives me a massive amount of confidence to keep going.

In case you’re wondering what this new business is… it’s an Estate Administration and Executor Services business. Weird eh? After having been asked to be a named Estate Trustee (Executor) in many Wills I thought I should understand what the role entails. I’ve taken courses and learned a lot about what is involved in being an Executor. With increased requirements by the Ontario government the responsibilities and complexities are significant and time consuming. I offer services to those who are in the role of Estate Trustee and don’t know where to start or who need assistance. In many situations – business owner, blended family, family in another jurisdiction, complex estate – people don’t seem to have an appropriate person to name as their Estate Trustee and having a third party in this role is the right answer. 

Watch this – it’s a very entertaining video of David Chilton (The Wealthy Barber) explaining the role of Estate Trustee

And please, do your family a favour and ensure that you have a current and valid Will. Without one you leave your family with unnecessary stress (on top of their grief) and time and money wasted. I am not a lawyer so I do not prepare Wills but if you need help, message me and I can point you in the right direction.